Blogging Tips | How to avoid the bloggers worst practices

Blogging Tips | How to avoid the bloggers worst practices

bloggers worst practices

Get Effective Blogging Tips on How to Avoid the Bloggers Worst Practices

In the digital marketing business, it’s important to post blogs for generating leads and traffic to your websites. Both blog posts and inbound marketing goes side by side. So, it is quite a significant part of your online business. But sometimes, your blog fails to generate traffic, because of the bloggers worst practice that they make unknowingly. If you are a digital marketer or a blogger, you might find some roadblocks in your blog posts which are preventing you from generating leads.

Below are some of the common bloggers worst practices that most beginners make

If you are a new blogger or inexperienced in terms of blogging, then you should be extra careful about some of the common bloggers worst practices which they make. These are mentioned below along with some beneficial tips on how to avoid it.

bloggers worst practices

• Think of ideas which interest only you

Ideas are something which comes at random and the more you will read and re-read your posts, the more ideas will come to you. But in a blog, changing ideas very frequently is not encouraged and is the bloggers worst practice. Even, there can be some ideas which interest you personally and there can be some others which do not interest you so much but is beneficial for your company. So, whenever you are creating a blog post, keep in mind your company goals. You should have natural and specific concerns and prospects for your company. So, you should schedule a meeting with the company’s manager to talk about the larger company goals which you need to achieve through your blog posts and accordingly, focus on them instead of imparting your own ideas.

• Your blog post is too stiff

When you are writing a blog post, make sure that its style of writing is quite different from writing a term paper. Most of the readers of your blog post might not read the whole thing; so, you have to write in a way that would compel the readers to make it an effortless reading. You have to write your blog post in a more conversational tone in order to approach the readers. Even people will find it more interesting and they will feel realistic about your content as well as your business.

• You think that the audience is interested in your stories

Though it’s harsh to listen, yet it absolutely true. The bloggers, when they start to write, think that the audience cares about them as a writer, but this is one of the bloggers worst practices made very often. People really don’t care about who you are and what you write; they care about what you can teach them. So, infuse the parts of your personality in your writing, so that they can feel more comfortable with you and can learn something new. Moreover, you should look for ways to relate your readers with the topic that you are writing about by infusing your personality into your own writing. For doing this, you should make the tone of your blog more personal as well as approachable by engaging them in a face-to-face conversation.

• You digress into some personal anecdotes

Though you are encouraged to shine your personality through your writing, if you come up with innumerable personal experiences, then you might bury the point which you want to make. Thus, it’s better not to digress so much into personal analogies. Otherwise, the readers will not pay attention to it and they will move on from your article. In order to avoid this digressing issue, it’s better to restate your point in different sections of your article.

• The topics are too broad

Usually, when people start to write blog posts, they choose big topics to write such as “How to do Social Media Marketing?” or “How to make money on the Internet?”. They choose such topics because there will be so many nuisances and details in this topics. In addition to this, another reason for targeting these topics is that these broad topics will tend to attract more audience and thus will find it more likely to convert into leads and customers.

To avoid this, it better to start with a specific working title. You can even take help of Blog Ideas Generator tool which helps you in entering the basic terms that you want to cover and ultimately produces five samples of blog titles which work for your business blogs. You should choose a specific title and keep your writing on track for your blog posts.

• You don’t use the data as evidence

For writing any blog posts, data and research are the most important factors to consider. As marketers, your duty does not only lie in convincing people by solving their queries and issues but also tending and convincing them for taking some action. This can be done by using data and research to back up the claims in your posts. So, it’s better to keep in mind that whenever you are pointing towards any arguments or claims, establish a proof to it. Suppose you have introduced your main argument in the previous section, then use data as proof to make your argument more relevant to the readers.

• Your content has plagiarism in it

Many inexperienced bloggers think that they can get away with the old copy-paste technique and this is another bloggers worst practices. But in reality, you can’t. Because if you steal someone else’s contents, there are experienced readers and editors who get to know when you copy from somewhere. Even, there is a chance that if you get caught with stealing contents, you might be penalized by Google and it could be a big blow to your company’s growth. So, it’s advised to understand how to cite people’s content in your blog posts by drawing ideas from others. Even this is a very essential thing to learn before writing a blog post.

• As soon as you are done with your writing, you think that it’s done

Though it sounds easy, yet it’s one of the common bloggers worst practices that many new bloggers make by thinking that once their writing is done, they are done with it. After you have completed your writing, it still needs editing. You are required to shape up your post by fixing the accidental mistakes, typos and streamline the story flow in your blog’s post. Even, the most experienced bloggers need editing to make their content more catchy and genuine.

• You don’t blog consistently

In online marketing, the case is that the more often you post blogs, the more traffic will be driven towards your website. Thus, more leads will be generated through your posts. In blogging, consistency matters more than the volume that you are posting. There are companies to make commitments to publish contents to their blogs on a regular basis and thus, those companies get the biggest rewards in terms of both website traffic and lead.

To avoid this. you have to make it a habit of blogging regularly with the help of an editorial calendar.

• You are not increasing subscribers

This is another of the blogger’s worst practices as they forget that the main aim of blogging is to get new visitors to your blogs as this will help you in growing the email list of subscribers with whom you can share your contents. This will give your website the initial surge of traffic and give you significant business results. You can do this by using your email marketing tool, by adding a subscription CTA in your blog or by setting up an email newsletter.

These are some of the bloggers worst practices, which must be avoided at all costs. By going through our blog, you must have realized your mistakes and now, you can work for making improvements in this. If you avoid these bloggers worst practices, you can easily reap the benefits both in terms of traffic and leads in the process.

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