Best on-page and off-page SEO strategies

Best on-page and off-page SEO strategies


Build your online reputation with smart on-page and off-page SEO strategies

SEO strategies are used for generating traffic to your website, reaching new audiences, driving growth and generating more revenue. But earlier, SEO was used to stuff keywords into the contents and fill the pages with the backlinks. With time, SEO has changed a great deal. Now, it has become more sophisticated. The modern SEO uses both on-page and off-page techniques to take your page to the top of the search engine and ensures high-quality website.

But digital marketers must know these techniques and they should know how to use them for serving their clients.

on-page and off-page

Features of on-page SEO strategies:

The on-page SEO employs the on-site techniques to make sure that your web page ranks well on a SERP. It helps you to determine how well your web page ranks and improves the quality of the page by using both technical elements and content. Thus, it helps in generating traffic to your site.

Some technical aspects that could be optimized with on-page SEO are analyzed below:

Title optimization

One of the most significant web optimization elements is the title tag because it’s the title of the page that displays the uniqueness of the web page. Therefore, it should be a short and descriptive one, so that the visitors can know more about you and your business by visiting your website. In fact, it is a crucial element of SEO and is also indexed on the search engines. Thus, you can even give creative and unique names in your title tag to get the best optimization. So, the title tag should be optimized as it has greater importance than other on-page SEO strategies and at the same time, it should be compelling enough to attract the users who are looking for specific information in your website.

Meta Descriptions

Meta Descriptions or Meta Tag is a short and vivid explanation about your website and it focuses on the products or services that your business or company deals with. Very often, it is found that these Meta tags are neglected by most of the websites in the process of SEO. But it’s an important element of SEO strategies and the description in the Meta tag should be written distinctly from other sites. Also, if the descriptions are keyword-rich, then your web page will tend to appear on the search result and it will generate high-click rates.

Webpage content writing

If you want to drive more traffic to your site, then the content is a very crucial factor. As it optimizes your website, it is really important to update your website regularly with appropriate keywords and phrases along with fresh contents. If your website contains good contents, then it will increase the ranking of your site. In order to improve on-page optimization, it is equally important to prepare creative as well as keyword-rich content. It should also be kept in mind that you should add as many searchable keywords as possible and the keyword density should be high on each page.

Optimization of Keywords

The keyword is another important SEO strategy which is implemented. It is important to add sufficient keywords to your website for attaining higher ranks on your website. On the other hand, if your website is stuffed with keywords, it will make your site unreadable and less popular.

Link optimization

For a thoroughly optimized website, link optimization is equally important. If you create different links properly and connect them well together, it will improve the quality of your website. To ensure high-rankings in search engines, various effective external and internal links should be connected with the appropriate help of a specific keyword. As this is an important element of SEO strategies, it is advised to take links from only genuine and unique websites.

Optimization of Images

Images should be optimized for making your site look unique, but it is based on certain criteria. An individual image’s file size and loading speed matter the most. Another thing that requires focus is the proper file naming and optimization because, in order to make the images comprehensible to search engines, special tags are used.

URL Structure

In order to implement an SEO friendly website, it is definite to add concise keywords to the website’s URL. It will make sure that while comparing the typed keywords, the search engine crawler picks your website. Thus, it is another one of the vital on-page SEO strategies.

Features of off-page SEO strategies:

The backbone of an off-page SEO strategy is quality backlinks. Earlier, keyword stuffing was acceptable for increasing the page rank but now, if the pages are filled with irrelevant backlinks, your websites will not be promoted. In fact, they will be penalized. So, quality backlinks from the authoritative site are integral to an off-page strategy.

Link building

Your website’s ranking hugely depends on the quality of the links and not on the quantity of the links. Thus, if you want to rank your website higher, add external links to your site. It will also increase the quality of your website. But make sure that you add links from such websites which are high-rated.


It is another vital feature of SEO strategies. It helps in redirecting the users from submitting the contents to your site. There are thousands of successful businesses and enterprises who are using this activity for gaining popularity in the eyes of search engine crawlers and for gaining visitors as well.

Social media marketing

Social media optimization is a very efficient feature of SEO strategies, which is used by a number of marketers and enterprise owners for promoting their business online. Nowadays, almost everyone is using social media and thus, they all have their account in either Facebook, Twitter or Google+. Thus, if you implement social media marketing, it will effectively make your profile more compelling and genuine and more and more visitors will be able to reach you.

Social bookmarking

Being a significant element of off-page SEO strategies, social bookmarking is used for creating quality backlinks for the different search engines. As it can be passed on to innumerable users, it can significantly generate and increase traffic to your website. You can bookmark your pages for increasing the rank of your website as search engines like Google, Mozilla Firefox, etc. index the top social bookmarking websites. It is undoubtedly a great strategy for brand building and one of the best promotional activities through which your site can increase the traffic effectively without much effort.

Search Engine submission

If you want to extend your reach to the maximum, you can concentrate on other search engines apart from Google such as MSN, Yahoo, Altavista, etc. for off-page optimization.

Business reviews

Business reviews are one of the most efficient SEO strategies which greatly help in building good contents online. It is quite an indirect method to promote the ecommerce business where you can ask your employees and clients to review your business on various sites for gaining visibility on the search engines.

Content submission

Submitting a keyword-rich content is a major step towards off-page optimization. If you want to bring up visibility on a search engine, you need to create the articles, blogs and press release with keyword rich write-ups. In fact, for maximum search engine exposure, blogging is extensively used.

Both on-page and off-page optimization are significant when it comes to search engine optimization. Both of them are equally important in the field of online ecommerce business. Just in order to implement the right SEO strategies, you need to understand the basic difference between on-page and off-page SEO.

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